Information and Awareness


Rasmi Palassery

Consultant Medical Oncology

Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru

Sonal Sharma

Co-Founder, Board Member, Director Patient Navigation & Family Engagement


Goal Statement

To spread awareness of childhood cancer and to involve patient &parent groups in awareness and decision making.

Key Focus Areas

  • Develop and/or collate IEC materials in different languages and different mediums including on awareness of signs, symptoms, reducing stigma and myths, survivorship, etc. (ongoing).
  • Create a One stop Web portal to disseminate IEC and all other ICCI generated information. (ongoing).
  • Create unified content calendar of relevant national and international events. (ongoing).

Glimpses of Work

(a) We have collated IEC materials in different languages and different mediums including on awareness of signs, symptoms, reducing stigma and myths, survivorship, etc.

Collation of all the IEC material which will eventually help patients in awareness, advocacy and access to care.

  • To collate the IEC material on childhood cancer, 41 organization were explored till now. 452 IEC materials are collated in the form of PDFs, Videos and webpages from these 41 organizations.
  • We conducted a screening test only on PDFs and Videos form IEC materials, 150/241 of these IEC materials were selected for further consideration.
  • Next, we conducted a scoring test on these selected 150 IEC materials to check their credibility and readability score by using CRAAP and SMOG tools, respectively.
  • To fulfil this scoring test, we’ll share these selected 150 materials with the expert for their valuable opinion to determine which one to prioritize for publication on our website and which one may need to be eliminated from the selection.
Status/Next Steps
  • Complete the process of filtering and quality checks of all the collated IEC material.
  • Continue creating content and identifying more IEC material on childhood cancer.
  • Seek approval from original publishers for taking their material.
  • Check the relevance of collated IEC materials.
(b) Create unified content calendar of relevant national and international events

A unified content calendar for childhood cancer will help in awareness, advocacy and building a common platform. It will help turn Awareness into Action.


First draft of unified content calendar for childhood cancer has been created.

Status/Next Steps

We plan to have the agreement on the dates on the Unified content calendar. This will be published on the ICCI website.

Unified Childhood Awareness calendar

Childhood Awareness calendar - Sourced from Cankids